Vision Statement
• Thoughtfully align literacy and math instruction to research-based strategies
• Creating individualized goal areas and celebrating growth
• Providing diverse and relevant learning opportunities that align with district standards
• Diagnostically assessing students to aid in weekly teacher collaboration for MTSS processes
- Nurturing confidence in students though leadership opportunities ranging from classroom jobs to exploring interest-based learning
- Purposefully build adult-student and student-student relationships
- Acknowledging and celebrating the differences in our students (example--show and tell opportunities, aligned trips to family-owned local businesses)
- Explicitly teaching students to follow school-wide expectations (non-negotiables)
- Utilizing the language of LeaderInMe to promote teamwork, confidence, and resilience
- Facilitating restorative circles practices through circles, de-escalation actions from teacher-student and student-student
- Finding the root cause of student behaviors
- Encouraging and modeling calm regulations of emotions
- Making time to check in on students